On behalf of the Gellér and Bárányos Law Firm please allow us to introduce our Firm and bring our services to your attention.

The Law Firm was established by Professor Balázs Gellér, JD, PhD (Cantab.), LLD and Mr. Norbert Kis, JD, PhD in 2004, but Professor Gellér’s family tradition of advocacy reaches back to the 19th century.  Ms. Bernadett Bárányos JD became a junior partner in 2010, and today the firm is co-owned by Professor Gellér as managing partner and Ms. Bárányos. 

The Law Firm focuses on a classical legal practice and enlists some of the largest companies in the world as clients. Especially in cases in which global law firms lose their way in the labyrinth of national law has our Firm managed to serve its international clientele successfully. We also represent private persons. Our goal is to serve our clientele through speedy and successful work, which we endeavor to by advising a smaller but prestigious circle of companies and people.

The motto of the Gellér and Bárányos Law Firm is “Tradition and Reliability” which reflects our approach towards legal counselling: relying on the ethos and traditions of classic advocacy, we regard the interest of our clients as our primary concern and we are dedicated to provide discrete legal advice and effective legal representation.

I would like to point out that our professional spectrum covers diverse fields of law. Our legal practice have a special focus on criminal law, but it covers European Union law, labour law, corporate law, marriage and family law, administrative law as well as international law. Our colleagues have extensive professional experiences in the aforementioned fields and each member of our team is at least proficient in English. The versatility of our Law Firm allows us to provide reliable legal advice tailored to the needs of our clients.

We are proud that our clients – private individuals and corporations – have been honoring us with their trust for many years. 

Prof. Dr. Balázs Gellér, attorney at law, is the managing partner of the Law Firm who brings beside his international and Hungarian legal expertise, practice and academic background a family tradition of legal counselling reaching back to the 19th century.  He has a wealth of professional experience both as a practicing lawyer and as an academic. He received his law degree at the Faculty of Law of the Loránd Eötvös University of Sciences (ELTE) (summa cum laude), which was followed by LLM studies at the University of Cambridge, where he was awarded the PhD title in law. He also participated at numerous postgraduate courses organized amongst others by the ICRC and the New York University. He is Head of the Criminal Law Department as a Professor at ELTE University, Faculty of Law. He was Professor of Law at Széchenyi University Győr Faculty of Law for years, he was awarded the acknowledgment "Pro Facultate" in 2020.  

Prof. Dr. Gellér was chairman of the codification committee for the international criminal code of Hungary entrusted by the Ministry of Justice and also served on the codification committee of the Act on the recognition of foreign diplomas and qualifications. He headed the team establishing the Law Faculty of the German speaking University Gyula Andrássy in Budapest. Prof. Dr. Gellér was adviser of the Ministry of Education in international and administrative law, where he worked in previous years as chief adviser to the minister and ministerial commissioner. Beside his many appointments he served as legal counsel to the Deputy Ombudsman of Hungary and was also legal adviser of the European Commission of Human Rights, Council of Europe (Strasbourg).

Prof. Dr. dr. Gellér has more than 100 publications including books, textbooks, treatises and articles both in English and Hungarian. 

Providing effective legal representation for numerous foreign clients, Prof. Dr. Gellér accomplished a wide professional practice in the international legal and business environment. 

Prof. Dr. Gellér is fluent in English and German.

Bernadett Bárányos JD, PhD, attorney at law and junior partner of the Law Firm, graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and obtained her PhD degree there as well in 2020 (both summa cum laude). Besides practising law, she is an assistant professor at the Eötvös Loránd University’s Criminal Law Department. The scope of her researches is focusing on the matters of Civil Law in criminal proceedings. Ms. Bárányos is fluent in German and proficient in English and Spanish. She is the author and co-author of numerous textbooks and articles.

Éva Lukács Gellérné JD, PhD, attorney at law graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and obtained her PhD degree there as well in 2009 (both summa cum laude). She worked as a public official for the Hungarian government for more than 10 years, she represented Hungary in different forums of the European Union in Brussels. She has extensive International experience. She is assistant professor at the Eötvös Loránd University’s, Department for International Private Law and European Economic Law. She has more than 100 publications including books, textbooks, treatises and articles both in English and Hungarian. 

Zsolt Tibor Szabó JD, trainee lawyer graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in 2017, and in the same year he also started his Ph.D. studies there. In addition to his activities as a trainee lawyer, he is teaching substantive criminal law at the Department of Criminal Law of ELTE-ÁJK since September 2019. His research interest focuses on corruption crimes and on the dogmatics of these crimes. He is expected to defend his doctoral dissertation in 2023. He is fluent in English. He has more than ten scientific publications mostly on the subject of bribery and certain legal institutions of the Criminal Code and the new Criminal Procedure Act.

With regard to the above, I firmly believe that the Gellér and Bárányos Law Firm would be able to provide thorough and accurate legal service as well as quick and effective solutions. We believe that we could assist corporations and individuals who are in need of legal counselling.

You can contact us by email ( geller@gelleresbaranyos.hu ) or by phone: +36-30-2-127482.








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Kemenes utca 6., félemelet 2.















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